“青铜之光”展品解读 | 青铜饰&青铜鸟

2024-01-03 20:42:58     浏览量:   





· 商代后期(公元前1300年—前1100年

· 长11厘米,宽4厘米,高52.5厘米

· 2021年出土于四川广汉三星堆遗址三号祭祀坑,K3QW:900

· 四川省文物考古研究院藏

· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)  

· L.11cm; W.4cm; H.52.5cm

· Unearthed from No.3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021,K3QW:900

· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute



This bronze ornament is generally slender and in the shape of feather. At the top, there is a bifurcation, with one end curving upward to a pointed tip, while the other end curling downward. On one side of the middle section, there are four cloud patterned feather-shaped decorative parts in openwork, one of which bends towards the other side. There is an ornamental part in the shape of a forked tail, with single concave line on the surface. The lower part of the ornament is also adorned with four cloud-patterned feather-shaped ornamental parts in openwork. This bronze ornament is likely an attachment on a certain type of significant object.

These exquisitely-cast bronze ornaments unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site indicate that bronze casting was already an important craftsmanship industry in the ancient Shu Kingdom as early as over 3,000 years ago and the developing level of the bronze civilization in the ancient Shu Kingdom reached the highest level at the time. They affirm that the ancient Shu people had honed rich imagination, extraordinary creativity, and perfect craftsmanship in bronze casting.


· 商代后期(公元前1300年—前1100年)

· 长15厘米,宽10厘米,高55厘米

· 2021年出土于四川广汉三星堆遗址三号祭祀坑,K3QW:808

· 四川省文物考古研究院藏

· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)

· L.15cm; W.10cm; H.55cm

· Unearthed from No.3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021, K3QW:808

· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute



It can be divided into three layers, from the front to the back. The bronze bird head in the front is now fragmented. The two wings spread out (the right wing fragmented), and the tail feathers bend upward. The legs are adorned with Juanyun Wen (卷云纹, curling-cloud pattern). The two feet are short and small, with distinct toes tightly grasping the handle. It is speculated that additional components were attached to the handle. The middle layer features the Shan (山)-shape, with Juanyun Wen (卷云纹, curling-cloud pattern) on the top and symmetrical hanging feather-like decorations on both sides. The back layer is a long plaque in openwork. The top part is a pair of symmetrical wings, below which a ginkgo-leaf-like pattern is in the middle and below. The whole object boasts smooth lines and vivid image, manifesting extraordinary imagination.

Bird occupies an important place in the faith of the ancient Shu people. There are various images of birds in bronze objects unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site. They concretize the ancestral worship or the sun worship, bridge human and divine realms, and depict the bird worship of the ancient Shu people in a realistic way.














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