“青铜之光”展品解读 | 青铜尊

2024-01-22 17:53:14     浏览量:   




第三部分 敬天通神



· 商代后期(公元前1300年—前1100年)

· 高55厘米,口径44.5厘米

· 2022年出土于四川广汉三星堆遗址八号祭祀坑,K8⑨:923

· 四川省文物考古研究院藏

· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)

· H.55cm; Dia. 44.5cm

· Unearthed from No. 8 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2022,K8⑨:923

· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute



It has an everted mouth, a slightly curved neck, a folded shoulder, a belly tapering downwards, a high ring foot, and a flaring foot rim. The rim of the mouth features a protruding ridge. On the circular foot, there are three irregular holes (for inner and outer mold positioning). On the shoulder, there are three standing birds aligned with Feileng (扉棱, protruding edges) on the belly and the holes on the ring foot, which divide the patterns on the shoulder, belly, and ring foot into three sections. Between every two standing birds and at the junction of the shoulder and belly of the bronze vessel, there is an ox head with a hook-shaped decorative part on its forehead. The decorative parts between the horns of the oxen are higher than the other decorative parts on the shoulder of the bronze vessel. There are three-circle Tu Xian Wen (凸弦纹, bulging parallel-line pattern)around the neck. The shoulder is decorated with Xiangbi Kuilong Wen (象鼻夔龙纹,elephant-trunk-shaped kui-dragon pattern), while the belly is decorated with Fenti Shoumian Wen (分体兽面纹, symmetric animal-face pattern). There are two-circle Tu Xian Wen (凸弦纹,bulging parallel-line pattern) around the upper part of the ring foot. the lower part of the foot is mainly decorated with Hu’er Shoumian Wen (虎耳兽面纹, tiger-ear-shape animal-face pattern). The shoulder, belly, and ring foot are all adorned with Yunlei Wen (云雷纹, cloud & thunder pattern). It is speculated that this bronze vessel was used as a ceremonial container in ritual activities for holding precious items such as seashells. Some bronze ritual objects unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site bear some resemblance to the Shang culture in the Central Plains. They could be imported goods from the Shang Dynasty or imitations created by skilled craftsmen in ancient Shu. The ritual objects with a prominent style of the Central Plains justify the far-reaching influence of the Shang culture, and reflect the cultural exchanges between the ancient Shu Kingdom and the Shang Dynasty in the Central Plains.












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