

1944 年生于上海,祖籍福建龙岩。

1961 年毕业于上海市美术专科学校中专部。

1965 年毕业于上海市美术专科学校油画系。


1999 年起任上海大学美术学院院长、教授。




1974 年 第五届全国美术作品展览

1976 年 全国美术作品展

1986 年 美国纽约杰代尔画廊举办个人展览(美国)

1993 年 中国油画年展(铜奖)

1998 年 世纪回眸——中国油画经典展

1999 年 第九届全国美术作品展览(银奖)

2000 年 20 世纪中国油画展

2004 年 第十届全国美术作品展览

2010 年 全国优秀美术作品展览

2013 年 上海美术进京展

《邱瑞敏素描速写集》,上海书店出版社 2005 年版。

《邱瑞敏油画选》,上海教育出版社 2006 年版。

Qiu Ruimin

Born in 1944 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Longyan, Fujian Province.

Graduated from the Technical Secondary School of Shanghai Art School in 1961.

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shanghai Arts Junior School in 1965.

Served as visiting scholar at Pratt Institute in New York from 1986 to 1987 and 1988 to


Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1999.

Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College, the president of Fine Arts

College, the director of the Academic Board of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Former the 5th and 6th vice-president of Shanghai Artists Association.

Current counselor of Shanghai Artists Association, the vice-chairman of the U.S. Branch of

Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association.

1974 The 5th National Art Exhibition

1976 The National Artworks Exhibition

1986 Solo exhibition at Jeder el Gallery in New York (United States)

1993 The Annual Oil Painting Exhibition of China (Bronze Prize)

1998 Review of the Century—Exhibition of Oil Painting Classics in China

1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prize)

2000 20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibition

2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition

2010 The National Outstanding Artworks Exhibition

2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing

Collection of Qiu Ruimin’s Sketch and Drawing, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2005.

Selected Oil Paintings of Qiu Ruimin, Shanghai Education Publishing House, 2006.